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    Pennsylvania Native Plants for Your Garden and Lawn

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    Pennsylvania Native Plants

    Are you ready to plant to beautify your outside space and preserve Pennsylvania's natural heritage? If so, you're in the right place! In this article, we'll take you through the captivating world of Pennsylvania native plants. From rare and endangered species to year-round blooms and even a taste of the Keystone State's culinary delights, get ready to discover the wonders of gardening with native plants. 

    Join us as we discover these plants' adaptability to Pennsylvania. Let's explore Pennsylvania's unique natural plants. Make your yard and lawn a biodiversity haven, natural beauty, and source of pride. 

    Let's get started on this green adventure

    Why Choose Native Plants? 

    You may be asking, "Why should I go for native plants when countless exotic options look so alluring?" The answer is simple: local plants are more than just eye candy; they're vital threads in the fabric of your local ecosystem.

    Easy to Care For

    Native plants are well-adapted to the local soil and climatic conditions. What does that mean for you? Less hassle, less watering, fewer fertilizers, and more time enjoying your garden rather than laboring over it. Essentially, they're the low-maintenance friends we all need!

    Beneficial for Local Wildlife

    Ever wondered why certain birds and butterflies are not frequent visitors in your yard? It could be due to a lack of natural vegetation on which they rely for food and shelter. Planting indigenous species can create a micro-habitat, offering a smorgasbord for local wildlife.

    The Aesthetics: Beauty in Simplicity

    The extravagant allure of exotic varieties often overshadows native plants. However, if you look closer, you'll find unparalleled beauty in their simplicity. Think of the delicate petals of the Mountain Laurel or the subtle fragrance of Wild Bergamot—each has its unique appeal.

    Many native plants also offer a seasonal parade of changing colors, textures, and blooming periods. In Pennsylvania, for example, the Black-eyed Susan comes alive in late summer, while the vibrant Winterberry Holly steals the show in winter. You could have a garden that’s a year-round showcase of natural artistry!

    Environmental Benefits

    If your love for nature extends beyond your property line, native plants are your go-to option. They're not just pretty faces; they're eco-warriors. Choosing them contributes to a healthier soil structure, improved water conservation, and a balanced local ecosystem.

    Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

    Do you want to act against climate change from your backyard? Native plants require fewer resources for growth, meaning less water usage and fewer chemicals, which translates to a lower carbon footprint. They're a small yet significant step toward sustainable living.

    How to Incorporate a Native Plants in Your Garden and Lawn

    Creating a lush, vibrant garden is a dream for many homeowners, but what if you could do so while also supporting local ecology? Incorporating native plants into your garden and lawn is not just an aesthetic choice; it's a boon for local wildlife and helps conserve the natural landscape. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to go about it.

    Understanding Your Garden's Microclimate

    Before you select native plants, it's essential to understand your garden's microclimate. Factors like soil type, light conditions, and water availability should all be considered. For instance, if you have a shaded, damp corner, look for native ferns or woodland wildflowers that thrive in similar conditions.

    Choosing Native Plants

    The next step is to choose plants that are native to your region. Plants like Butterfly Weed, Joe-Pye Weed, or Eastern Hemlock are beautiful and well-suited to Pennsylvania's various climates. Consider the growing requirements of each plant and try to emulate its native habitat as much as possible.

    Sourcing Native Plants

    When it comes to sourcing, aim for nurseries that specialize in native plants. Big-box garden centers might not offer the variety you're looking for, and there's also the risk of purchasing invasive species that look similar to native ones.

    Planting Techniques

    Just like any other plant, native species have their own specific planting guidelines. Planting perennials in the fall is ideal, while planting annuals in the spring is preferable. Follow the general planting guidelines and be attentive to each plant's specific needs. Some might require soil amendments, while others may prefer to be planted as is.

    Caring for Native Plants

    The beauty of native plants is that they're generally easier to care for than their exotic counterparts. However, that doesn't mean they're entirely hassle-free. Water them regularly until they're well-established, and be mindful of their nutrient needs.

    Mulching and Fertilizing

    Native plants usually thrive in the existing soil, but a good layer of organic mulch can help maintain soil moisture and temperature. As for fertilizing, it's best to get a soil test before you apply any nutrients, as native plants are generally adapted to your local soil conditions.

    Creating Wildlife Habitats

    One of the biggest advantages of planting native species is the habitat they provide for local wildlife. Think of your garden as a mini-ecosystem. Plants like milkweeds offer essential breeding grounds for monarch butterflies, while berry-producing shrubs can feed local bird populations.

    Managing Pests and Diseases

    Native plants have a higher resistance to local pests and illnesses.
    However, always keep an eye out for signs of infestations and treat them using eco-friendly methods.

    Seasonal Changes and Perennial Transitions

    Different native plants peak at various times of the year. Planning your garden with this in mind ensures that you have something in bloom in every season. For example, Virginia Bluebells are great for spring, while Goldenrod can make your garden vibrant in the fall.

    Conservation and Ethical Considerations

    When planting native species, you're doing your part in conservation efforts. But it's crucial to source these plants ethically. Never remove plants from the wild, as this can be both illegal and harmful to local ecosystems.

    Rare and Endangered Native Plants of Pennsylvania

    Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid:

    • Features: This orchid bears elegant white fringed flowers on tall stalks.
    • Benefits: It plays a vital role in pollinator support, attracting various insects.
    • Habitat: Typically found in moist prairies and wetlands.
    • Endangered: Habitat destruction due to agriculture and development, as well as drainage of wetlands, threatens its survival.

    Bog Turtlehead:

    • Features: It has pinkish-white, turtlehead-shaped flowers and thrives in wetlands.
    • Benefits: Provides nectar for pollinators and stabilizes wetland ecosystems.
    • Habitat: Wet meadows, bogs, and the edges of streams.
    • Endangered: Loss of wetland habitat due to urbanization and agricultural practices is the primary threat.

    Northern Wild Monkshood:

    • Features: This striking plant bears tall spikes of blue-purple flowers.
    • Benefits: Monkshood contains alkaloids with potential medicinal properties.
    • Habitat: Moist woodlands and streambanks.
    • Endangered: Habitat degradation from invasive species and overcollection pose significant risks.

    Eastern Small Whorled Pogonia:

    • Features: Tiny, inconspicuous greenish-white flowers with a whorled leaf arrangement.
    • Benefits: Supports mycorrhizal fungi essential for forest health.
    • Habitat: Deciduous and mixed woodlands.
    • Endangered: Rare and sensitive to habitat disturbance, including logging and development.

    Fen Grass-of-Parnassus:

    • Features: Distinctive white flowers with green veins and a basal rosette of leaves.
    • Benefits: Attracts pollinators and provides habitat for wetland fauna.
    • Habitat: Acidic fens and seeps.
    • Endangered: Wetland drainage and habitat loss due to development threaten its existence.

    Houghton's Goldenrod:

    • Features: Bright yellow, clustered flowers on tall stems.
    • Benefits: Supports pollinators like bees and butterflies.
    • Habitat: Sandy or gravelly shores of rivers and lakes.
    • Endangered: Shoreline development and recreational activities encroach upon its habitat.

    Kittatinny Limestone Scorpionweed:

    • Features: Small, white to pale lavender flowers and lobed leaves.
    • Benefits: Helps in soil stabilization.
    • Habitat: Limestone barrens and glades.
    • Endangered: Limited habitat and competition with invasive species are major threats.

    Short's Blazing Star:

    • Features: Tall spikes of purple-pink flowers.
    • Benefits: A valuable nectar source for butterflies and bees.
    • Habitat: Moist, open woodlands and meadows.
    • Endangered: Habitat loss due to agriculture and development is a primary concern.

    Prairie Fringed Orchid:

    • Features: Delicate, fringed white flowers on tall stems.
    • Benefits: Key role in pollinator support.
    • Habitat: Moist prairies and wetlands.
    • Endangered: Conversion of wetlands for agriculture and development is the main threat.

    Appalachian Spiraea:

    • Features: Clusters of small, white flowers and serrated leaves.
    • Benefits: Provides habitat for birds and insects.
    • Habitat: Moist woodlands and stream banks.
    • Endangered: Habitat degradation and invasive species are endangering its survival.

    Pennsylvania Native Plants for Every Season 

    When designing a garden, the dream is to have something in bloom or interest for every season. Pennsylvania offers an incredible range of native plants to help you achieve just that. 



    Bloodroot heralds the arrival of spring with its striking white blooms that come to life even before the leaves fully unfold. As the name suggests, the roots of this plant ooze a red juice when cut. It thrives in woodland conditions, favoring well-drained, moist soils.

    Dutchman's Breeches

    The blooms of Dutchman's Breeches are one of the whimsical highlights of a springtime Pennsylvania woodland. The flowers are white to pinkish, strikingly contrasting with their fern-like foliage. The plant loves moist, rich, and well-drained soils.

    Virginia Bluebells

    This plant bursts into life with clusters of bell-shaped, sky-blue flowers. Virginia Bluebells are ephemeral and will die back by early summer, so enjoy their beauty while it lasts. They prefer moist, well-drained soils and partial shade.

    Wood Poppy

    With its bright yellow flowers, Wood Poppy is a sun-like presence in the understory of a spring forest. It's an excellent choice for shaded garden corners and thrives in rich, moist soil.

    Eastern Redbud

    This small tree is native to Pennsylvania and heralds spring with a profusion of pink to magenta flowers before its leaves unfurl. It's highly adaptable but prefers well-drained soil and full to partial sun.


    Butterfly Weed

    Butterfly Weed, a feast for both the eyes and the butterflies, explodes into bright orange blooms in high summer. Butterflies and hummingbird are drawn to it, and it thrives in sunny locations with well-drained soil.

    Joe-Pye Weed

    Despite its name, Joe-Pye Weed is anything but a nuisance. With its tall stems and clusters of pinkish-purple flowers, it's a summer staple for any sunny, wet area in the garden.

    Wild Bergamot

    This aromatic plant offers lavender-colored blooms and thrives in full sun. It's a member of the mint family, and its leaves can even be used to make tea. Pollinators love it, making it a double-duty plant for your garden.


    The iconic, daisy-like blooms of the Coneflower highlight the summer garden. Tolerant of drought and poor soil, it's as resilient as beautiful.

    Blue False Indigo

    This plant produces striking spikes of blue flowers in early to mid-summer, followed by attractive seed pods. It’s highly tolerant of various soil types, making it versatile.


    New England Aster

    Late summer and early autumn see the New England Aster burst into life. Its purplish-blue flowers offer a splash of color when many other plants are beginning to fade.

    Autumn Fern

    This fern is not just a summer green; its fronds turn a russet orange in the fall, adding different beauty to the garden.


    Sumac is a large shrub that offers brilliant red leaves in the autumn. Its red berry-like fruits also persist into winter, adding additional seasonal interest.


    Often unfairly blamed for hay fever, this native plant illuminates the fall garden with its bright yellow spires. It's also a crucial late-season food source for pollinators.


    Known for its unique, mitten-shaped leaves, Sassafras offers a fall spectacle with leaves turning orange, red, and pink shades. The roots were originally used to make root beer, adding a bit of history to its charm.


    Winterberry Holly

     This deciduous holly loses its leaves but keeps its bright red berries throughout winter, providing a pop of color and a food source for birds.

    American Witch Hazel

    Blooming in late fall to early winter, its spidery yellow flowers are a cheerful sight in the dreary months.

    Eastern Hemlock

    This evergreen tree offers greenery throughout the year and provides shelter for birds in winter.

    Red Osier Dogwood

     While it may lose its leaves, the bright red stems of this dogwood provide striking winter interest, especially against a snowy backdrop.

    Eastern Red Cedar

    Another evergreen, the Eastern Red Cedar offers blueberries in addition to its year-round foliage, providing winter color and a food source for wildlife.

    Edible Native Plants

    Pennsylvania is home to various edible native plants used by indigenous people and foragers for generations. Here are some edible native plants you can find in Pennsylvania:


    • Description: Pawpaw is a small, deciduous tree with large, tropical-tasting fruit.
    • Edible Part: The fruit is soft and custard-like, with a sweet, banana-like flavor.
    • Harvest Season: Late summer to early fall.
    • Uses: Eat fresh, used in desserts, or made into jams and ice cream.

    American Persimmon:

    • Description: A small to medium-sized tree with orange fruit.
    • Edible Part: The ripe fruit is sweet and can be eaten fresh.
    • Harvest Season: Late fall.
    • Uses: Consumed fresh, dried, or used in baking.

    Eastern Redbud:

    • Description: A small tree with pink or purple flowers.
    • Edible Part: The young leaves, flowers, and immature seed pods are edible and have a slightly nutty flavor.
    • Harvest Season: Spring.
    • Uses: You can use the leaves and blooms as a garnish or in a salad.

    American Wild Plum:

    • Description: A small tree or shrub with white flowers and small, red or yellow fruit.
    • Edible Part: The fruit is tart but can be used for making jams, jellies, or baked goods.
    • Harvest Season: Late summer.
    • Uses: Jams, jellies, pies, and preserves.


    • Description: A wild onion with broad, green leaves and a strong garlic-onion flavor.
    • Edible Part: Both the leaves and bulbs are edible.
    • Harvest Season: Early spring.
    • Uses: Often used in salads, soups, or as a seasoning.

    Wild Blackberries:

    • Description: Thorny shrubs with sweet, juicy berries.
    • Edible Part: The ripe berries.
    • Harvest Season: Late summer.
    • Uses: Eaten fresh, used in pies, jams, and cobblers.
    Wild Strawberries:
    • Description: Low-growing plants with small, sweet strawberries.
    • Edible Part: The ripe berries.
    • Harvest Season: Late spring to early summer.
    • Uses: Eaten fresh, added to salads, or used in desserts.
    Wood Sorrel:
    • Description: Low-growing plants with clover-like leaves and small yellow or pink flowers.
    • Edible Part: The leaves, flowers, and young seed pods are edible and have a tart, lemony flavor.
    • Harvest Season: Spring to early summer.
    • Uses: Added to salads or used as a garnish.

    Common Milkweed:

    • Description: Tall plants with pinkish-purple flowers.
    • Edible Part: Young shoots, flower buds, and young pods can be cooked and eaten.
    • Harvest Season: Spring to early summer.
    • Uses: Prepared similarly to asparagus or added to stir-fries.

    Wild Leeks:

    • Description: Also known as "ramps," these have broad green leaves and a strong onion-garlic flavor.
    • Edible Part: Both the leaves and bulbs are edible.
    • Harvest Season: Early spring.
    • Uses: Often used in soups, sautés, or pickled.



    In conclusion, Pennsylvania native plants are not just a beautiful addition to your garden; they are eco-friendly superheroes! These plants have adapted to our local conditions over centuries, making them hardy, low-maintenance, and perfect for your garden and lawn. But here's the best part: You can make a contibution on the environment by supporting these plants in your own backyard.

    So, let's get started! Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just beginning, adding Pennsylvania native plants to your garden and lawn is a step towards a greener, more sustainable future.

    Ready to transform your outdoor space? Plant some natives and watch your garden flourish while giving back to our beautiful Keystone State.
    Visit your local nursery, talk to experts, and start planting native today! Together, we can make a difference—one native plant at a time.


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