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    How Missouri Native Plants Benefit Your Garden and Environment

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    Missouri Native Plants

    Gardening can be much more than just beautiful flowers. If you're into gardening in Missouri, a world of wonder awaits you. Picture a garden bursting with beautiful colors that help local wildlife, save water, and keep our planet healthy. Sounds fantastic. It's all possible thanks to the incredible world of Missouri native plants. 

    In this blog, we'll explore these plants and see how they can make your garden beautiful and eco-friendly. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or starting, this guide will reveal why native plants are a fantastic choice for your garden and Mother Earth. So, grab your gardening tools, and let's embark on an adventure through Missouri's natural treasures!

    Understanding Missouri's Unique Ecosystem

    Missouri boasts a rich and diverse native plant population. From the vibrant Eastern Red Columbine to the iconic Missouri Evening Primrose, the state is home to various native plants.

    Native plants have evolved over centuries to thrive in Missouri's specific climate conditions. They can endure the region's hot summers and cold winters, making them resilient and low-maintenance additions to your garden.

    Benefits of Incorporating Native Plants

    The Ecological Benefits

    Conservation of Native Species

    Planting native species helps preserve the biodiversity of Missouri. Many native plants are threatened by habitat loss, and by incorporating them into your garden, you're playing a role in their conservation.

    Reduced Water Usage

    Because native plants are suited to local rainfall patterns, they require less irrigation. This saves water, lowers water bills, and conserves this precious resource.

    Attracting Pollinators

    Native plants provide essential food sources for native pollinators like bees and butterflies. By planting them, you're creating a haven for these vital creatures, aiding in their conservation and helping with pollination in your area.

    Soil Health

    A healthy soil ecosystem relies heavily on the presence of native plants. Their deep roots help prevent erosion, improve soil structure, and enhance nutrient cycling, creating a healthier environment for other plants.

    Carbon Sequestration

    Carbon sequestration is aided by the use of native plants, which assist reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow global warming.

    Wildlife Habitat

    Your garden can become a mini-wildlife habitat with native plants, attracting birds, insects, and other wildlife. This fosters a balanced ecosystem within your property.

    Advantages for Your Garden

    Low Maintenance

    Native plants, having adapted to their environment, often need less upkeep. You'll spend less time and effort on your garden, allowing you to enjoy its beauty without constant upkeep.

    Disease Resistance

    Native plants have spent thousands of years in Missouri's unique environment, becoming resistant to local diseases. It's like they have a built-in immune system for your garden!

    Seasonal Aesthetics

    Native plants bloom in sync with the seasons, meaning your garden will always be in tune with Mother Nature.

    Economic Benefits

    Lower Costs

    Native plants are generally cheaper than exotic varieties because they are easy to grow and maintain. Who doesn't want to save a few bucks?

    Local Market Boost

    Buying native supports local nurseries and conservation efforts. So you're not just investing in your garden, but your community, too!

    Must-Have Missouri Native Plants in Your Garden and Lawn

    Creating a vibrant and sound garden or lawn in Missouri can be enhanced by incorporating native plants. These plants are well-suited to the state's climate and offer many benefits to the local environment. Here are some must-have Missouri native plants to consider for your garden and lawn: 


    The Pawpaw is a unique fruit tree native to Missouri, known for its custard-like, sweet flesh. It thrives in the state's rich, well-drained soils and benefits Missouri gardens by providing delicious, nutrient-rich fruits for both humans and wildlife. Its large, tropical-looking leaves also offer shade and create a lush environment. Pawpaw trees support native pollinators, making them a valuable addition to any Missouri garden.

    Wild Bergamot: 

    Bees and butterflies love the vibrant lavender-pink blossoms of the wild bergamot plant. This flowering plant thrives in Missouri's prairies and open woodlands, adding vibrant color to gardens and supporting local ecosystems. Its aromatic leaves can be used for teas, making it visually appealing and edible and fragrant.

    Ozark Coneflower: 

    This coneflower species is endemic to the Ozark region of Missouri and boasts stunning, daisy-like blooms with prominent orange-red centers. It benefits the local environment by attracting pollinators and adding color to gardens. The Ozark coneflower thrives in rocky, well-drained soils and is a beautiful, low-maintenance addition to Missouri gardens.

    Rattlesnake Master: 

    With its intriguing name, Rattlesnake Master is a spiky, flowering plant that thrives in the prairies and glades of Missouri. It benefits the environment by attracting pollinators and providing nectar for bees and butterflies. Its unique appearance and adaptability to dry, sandy soils make it a valuable native addition to gardens looking for aesthetics and ecological benefits.

    Wild Plum: 

    Wild Plum is a small, fruit-bearing tree well-suited to Missouri's climate and growing conditions. It offers delicious edible fruit for humans and a valuable food source for local wildlife. Its early spring blossoms provide nectar for pollinators, making it a vital component of Missouri's ecological landscape.

    Missouri Evening Primrose: 

    This low-growing shrub is well-known for the huge, brilliant yellow flowers that bloom in the late afternoon and early evening. It thrives in well-drained, rocky soils and helps control erosion in gardens. It's also edible, with its tender young leaves and roots used in traditional Native American cuisines.

    Wild Indigo: 

    Wild Indigo, a perennial herb with striking blue-green foliage and tall spikes of purple flowers, is an excellent addition to Missouri gardens. It thrives in well-drained, sandy soils and benefits the environment by attracting pollinators and providing habitat for butterflies. Some Native American tribes used it for medicinal purposes, making it ornamental and historically significant.

    Cardinal Flower: 

    The vibrant red spikes of the Cardinal Flower make it a standout in Missouri's native plant landscape. This plant thrives in wetlands and along stream banks, helping with erosion control and providing nectar for hummingbirds. It's a stunning addition to rain gardens, contributing visual appeal and ecological benefits.

    Eastern Redbud: 

    The Eastern Redbud is a small native tree with delicate pink or lavender flowers in early spring, providing a beautiful burst of color to Missouri gardens. It's a host plant for various butterfly species and supports local wildlife. Its adaptability to different soil types and its capacity to thrive in urban settings make it an excellent choice for aesthetics and ecological benefits.


    Mayapple is a unique native plant with umbrella-like leaves and a single white flower underneath. It prefers moist woodlands and is a valuable addition to shady areas in Missouri gardens. Its edible fruit is a delicacy when ripe, and it also provides habitat for wildlife, supporting the local ecosystem.

    Indian Blanket Flower: 

    With its striking red and yellow daisy-like blooms, the Indian Blanket Flower adds vibrant color to Missouri gardens while attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies. It thrives in well-drained soils and is an excellent choice for native landscaping due to its low maintenance requirements and ecological benefits.

    American Persimmon: 

    The American Persimmon is a small, fruit-bearing tree that's well-adapted to Missouri's climate. It provides sweet, edible fruit for both humans and wildlife and helps stabilize soils in riparian areas. Its hardy nature and resistance to pests make it a valuable addition to Missouri gardens.

    Black-Eyed Susan: 

    Black-Eyed Susan is a cheerful, yellow wildflower that blooms throughout the summer in Missouri. It's a valuable nectar source for pollinators and adds a burst of color to gardens. This adaptable plant can thrive in various soil types, making it an easy and beneficial choice for Missouri landscapes.

    Wild Strawberry: 

    Wild Strawberry is a groundcover plant native to Missouri that produces small, flavorful berries. It forms dense mats in sandy or rocky soils, helping to control erosion and providing habitat for small wildlife. Its edible fruit is a delightful treat, and its low-growing habit makes it an excellent addition to rock gardens and naturalized areas.


    This native perennial with striking three-petaled purple or blue flowers. It thrives in moist, shaded woodlands and helps control erosion along stream banks. Missouri gardens would benefit greatly from this plant since pollinators love its unusual flowers.

    Blue False Indigo: 

    Blue False Indigo is a perennial herb with beautiful spikes of blue-purple flowers. It thrives in prairies and open woodlands, attracting pollinators and supporting local wildlife. Its seeds were historically used by Native American tribes as a food source, adding historical and culinary significance to its value in Missouri gardens.

    Wild Ginger: 

    Wild Ginger is a low-growing, shade-loving plant with heart-shaped leaves and curious maroon flowers near the ground. It's a great addition to woodland gardens, offering ground cover and attracting pollinators. In the past, its aromatic roots were used for culinary and medicinal purposes.

    Joe-Pye Weed: 

    Joe-Pye Weed is a tall, native perennial with clusters of pinkish-purple flowers that attract butterflies and other pollinators. It thrives in wetlands and moist soils, making it an excellent choice for rain gardens and areas with poor drainage. Its height and striking appearance make it a focal point in Missouri gardens.

    Purple Coneflower: 

    Purple Coneflower is a classic Missouri native with its iconic purple petals and spiky orange-brown centers. It's a favorite of pollinators, including bees and butterflies, and is adaptable to various soil types. Its long-lasting blooms and resilience in Missouri's climate make it a must-have for native gardens.

    New Jersey Tea: 

    White blooms and fragrant leaves characterize the New Jersey Tea shrub, a tiny deciduous plant. It thrives in well-drained soils and provides nectar for pollinators. Historically, its leaves were used as a tea substitute during the American Revolutionary War, adding cultural significance to its presence in Missouri gardens.

    How to Start Integrating Native Plants Into Your Garden

    Step 1: Do Your Research

    Identify Native Plants in Your Region

    The first step in any successful endeavor is usually research, which also holds for gardening. Check out local gardening books, consult experts at native plant sales, and do a little digging (pun intended) online. You aim to create a list of plants native to your specific region.

    Know Your Garden's Conditions

    In addition to identifying native plants, you should also assess the conditions in your garden. What type of soil do you have? How much sunlight does your garden receive daily? These factors will influence which native plants are best suited for your garden.

    Step 2: Planning Your Garden

    Visualize and Sketch

    Before you get your hands dirty, visualize what you want your garden to look like. Sketching a quick layout can help you plan each plant's location based on its specific needs. For instance, some plants may require full sun, while others thrive in the shade.

    Choose Seasonal Varieties

    Various plants that bloom at different times will keep your garden colorful and lively throughout the year. Pick a mix of annuals and perennials for sustained beauty.

    Step 3: Prepare the Soil

    Depending on what you discover about your soil, you might need to prepare it for planting. However, remember that native plants are generally well-adapted to local soil types. So, you don't need to make drastic changes.

    Step 4: Planting

    Purchase Plants or Seeds

    Based on your research and planning, purchase native plants or seeds from a reputable local nursery. This is also an excellent time to support small, local businesses focused on sustainability.

    Planting Technique

    The technique for planting will vary based on what you're planting. However, give each plant enough room to grow without crowding its neighbors. Pay attention to depth as well—planting too shallow or too deep can stress the plant.

    Step 5: Ongoing Maintenance

    Even though native plants are generally easier to care for, no plant is entirely maintenance-free. Some may require pruning or occasional watering during dry periods.

    Observe and Adapt

    No garden is static. Keep an eye on how your plants are doing and be willing to make changes as needed. Too much sun? It may be time for shade. Are plants not thriving? They may need more space.


    In conclusion, adopting Missouri native plants for your garden is a wise decision. It improves the appearance of your garden while also benefiting local wildlife. You also conserve water and contribute to a healthier environment.

    So, what are you waiting for? Start today and make your garden a home for native plants. It's easy, and it's good for the planet. Join the movement. Plant native. Make your garden awesome!

    For more native plants information, visit Hardy Garden Blogs. Your garden and nature will love you for it!

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