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    How to Keep Your Soil Healthy, Happy and Fertile

    • person Hardy Garden
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    Keep Your Soil Healthy, Happy and Fertile

    A garden can be fantastic, but it's not just about having the right plants and flowers. Even though gardening can be a relaxing hobby, it does take work to keep it in the best shape.

    When it comes to gardening, one of the most important factors to consider is the state of the soil in your garden. You must regularly work on it with compost and other soil enhancer or amendments. After all, a garden with healthy soil will have a lovely appearance, whereas a garden with unhealthy soil may have an unpleasant one.

    But not to worry! You can keep your soil happy and healthy with these 7 secrets. Let's take a look at how simple it is.

    7 Secrets to a Beautiful Garden

    1. Natural Fertilizers

    You can enrich your soil with either synthetic fertilizers that are bad for the environment or organic fertilizers that are safe. Make your choice based on what sounds best to you. The second option benefits the environment in the long run, even though the first option can be more convenient in the short term.

    You can add more nutrients to your garden with manure, compost and soil enhancer. These don't have any chemicals and are safe for plants and people to eat. Natural fertilizers, such as the plants that animals like chickens and cows eat, are preferred to artificial fertilizers created in factories because they are renewable. In the long run, your garden and the environment will benefit from the steady release of nutrients they provide.

    2. Proper Watering 

    The right way to water your soil is another important part of keeping it healthy. You should consider having watering can, sprinkler or a garden hose. Having a proper watering tools and equipment offers you convenience while providing productivity in your garden.

    In addition you can use rain barrel to collect rain water that you can use when watering your garden. Rain water is chlorine free ensuring the safety of your plants. 

    You don't want to overwater your soil because that can lead to root rot or fungal growth, so try to keep it moist but not soggy at all times! If you plan your garden well, you can keep it healthy and happy for many years.

    3. Weeding

    Before pulling weeds out of your garden, make sure you know what a weed is and what might just be a wildflower or another plant that your garden needs. You should pull weeds by hand or use a proper weeding tool as soon as you see them, but unless it's essential, you should try not to till the soil or use chemical herbicides.

    4.Soil Aeration 

    It is important to aerate your soil to ensure that it drains well and that nutrients are spread out evenly. You may easily do this by using a pitchfork or garden tiller. However, you should take care not to dig too deeply into the soil, as doing so might cause large chunks of clay to break apart, which may cause drainage problems in the future.

    5. Mulching

    Mulching is another fantastic method for maintaining your soil's health and promoting growth in your garden. The use of mulch in a garden not only shields plant roots from the damaging effects of excessive temperatures but also limits the growth of weeds.

    In addition, it restores organic matter to the soil and helps it retain moisture, making it easier for plants to take up water. When you mulch, it is essential that you cover a manageable amount of the soil so that there is still a sufficient amount of oxygen for healthy plant growth.

    6. Composting

    By using compost, you may replenish the soil with valuable nutrients. Decomposing organic material is called composting. Great homemade compost that will help fertilize your soil may be formed by combining brown matter, green matter, soil, water, air, and time in a compost bin or pile. As a garden's ground cover, you can use compost and straw. When these things break down, they release nutrients into the soil that help plants grow. Also, it helps reduce waste by turning things like food scraps and yard trimmings that would otherwise go to waste into valuable items for your garden. 

    7. Disposing of Contaminants 

    If you discover contaminants like mold in your garden due to overwatering or another problem, don't throw it in the compost pile. Instead, you should burn them or dispose of them in designated trash bags, as your local government requires. Do not add these to your compost; steam them or dispose of them as per your local regulations. Don't add anything new to the compost pile to keep your plants healthy.

    In conclusion, keeping your soil healthy and happy doesn't have to be overwhelming; it takes a little time and effort each season. Using natural fertilizers like animal manure or composted materials, watering correctly with rainwater, and performing regular maintenance like tilling and aerating, you can have a beautiful garden full of fresh fruits and vegetables with just a little knowledge and work. You can also add our soil enhancer to your soil for more abundant produce. So, get out there right now and begin tending to your soil! 

    Happy Gardening!

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