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    How to Preserve Wisconsin Native Plants

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    Wiscon native plants

    Have you ever paused while watering your exotic orchids or temperamental roses and wondered, "What would my garden look like if I went local?" We're talking about a new level of garden makeover—inviting Wisconsin's native plants to reclaim your backyard. A garden that's not just about looking good but one that plays a role in preserving the environment. Intrigued? You should be because Wisconsin's native plants aren't just survivors who know how to handle our weather. They're little eco-heroes that can improve our lives in many ways.

    The catch is that these treasures of regional biodiversity are in danger. The plant life that was once dominant in Wisconsin is fighting for its life against increasing urban landscapes and invasive alien species. The solution lies with you and your garden. Stay with us, and we'll explain how you can make your garden the front line in the fight to protect endangered plant species in Wisconsin.

    Ready to become a gardening revolutionary? Let's dig in!

    The Importance of Native Plants

    Low Maintenance, Less Water

    Native plants are naturally suited to local soil and climate conditions. This means they typically require less water and fewer—if any—fertilizers or pesticides to thrive. Less watering and reduced need for chemical applications translate into fewer resources consumed, which naturally reduces your carbon footprint.

    Promoting Biodiversity

    Native plants are a cornerstone of local ecosystems, supporting a range of wildlife from pollinators to larger animals. Increased biodiversity leads to healthier ecosystems.

    Soil Health and Carbon Sequestration

    Native plants usually have deep and complex root systems that help in soil stabilization. A stable soil is less prone to erosion and more efficient at capturing and storing carbon. This natural form of carbon sequestration can play a part in reducing global greenhouse gas levels.

    Energy-Saving Landscape Design

    By carefully choosing native plants that provide natural shade or windbreaks, you can reduce your home's energy consumption. For instance, deciduous native trees planted near your home provide shelter in the summer, reducing the need for air conditioning. 

    Natural Filters for Pollutants

    Many native plants act as natural filters, capturing air, soil, and water pollutants. Integrating these plants into your landscape contributes to a cleaner, healthier environment, indirectly reducing the carbon footprint by eliminating the need for energy-intensive filtration methods.

    Psychological Benefits

    It's not just about numbers and data; having a lush garden full of native plants can also offer psychological benefits. Engaging with nature is proven to reduce stress and improve mental well-being. While this might not directly reduce your carbon footprint, a healthier, happier individual is more likely to make sustainable life choices, which has a trickle-down effect on overall carbon emissions.

    15 Native Plants of Wisconsin and Their Contributions

    Wild Columbine

    A perennial favorite with its intricate red and yellow flowers, Wild Columbine is native to Wisconsin and attracts hummingbirds. It can thrive in rocky soils and doesn't require much care, making it an excellent low-maintenance garden option. Preserving this plant helps maintain local biodiversity.

    Purple Coneflower

    These pinkish-purple flowers are not just beautiful but are also medicinal. Purple Coneflower attracts a variety of pollinators, adding a burst of color and life to your garden. The fact that it's low-maintenance and drought-resistant makes it ideal for Wisconsin gardens.


    Bloodroot has captivating white flowers and is one of the earliest bloomers in spring. It's a low-growing plant that can be excellent for ground cover. This native plant is beneficial for pollinators and offers early food for bees.


    This unique, hooded flower creates a mysterious atmosphere in any garden. Jack-in-the-Pulpit can grow in shady areas, making it versatile and ideal for various garden types. It's essential for early-season pollinators.

    Wild Bergamot

    Also known as bee balm, this plant is a pollinator magnet. Wild Bergamot has aromatic leaves and beautiful lavender flowers, contributing both aesthetics and function to your garden.

    Virginia Bluebells

    This spring ephemeral plant can turn your garden into a sea of blue. Virginia Bluebells are excellent for shaded gardens and can attract various types of wildlife, like butterflies, for pollination.

    Prairie Smoke

    Prairie Smoke is an early spring bloomer with unique plume-like seed heads resembling smoke. It's an excellent ground cover and is effective in preventing soil erosion.

    Bottle Gentian

    Known for its unique, closed blue flowers, Bottle Gentian attracts bumblebees, which have to "force" their way into the flowers, making it an exciting addition to your garden aesthetically and functionally.

    Maidenhair Fern

    This non-flowering plant adds a touch of delicate green to shady areas of your garden. It's not just decorative; Maidenhair Fern can also act as a soil stabilizer.

    Woodland Phlox

    Woodland Phlox produces a carpet of lavender or blue flowers in the spring. It’s perfect for attracting early-season butterflies and provides a beautiful ground cover.

    Blue Flag Iris

    This beautiful iris loves wet conditions and can thrive near ponds or streams. Its striking blue-violet flowers are not just eye-catching but also attract various pollinators.

    New England Aster

    This purple beauty blooms late into the fall, providing food for pollinators when many other flowers have stopped blooming. It’s also highly resilient, requiring minimal care.

    Big Bluestem

    Big Bluestem is a dominant grass of the tallgrass prairie with a robust root system that helps with soil stabilization, making it a practical choice for any Wisconsin garden.

    Indian Grass

    Like Big Bluestem, Indian Grass is a prairie grass that can help stabilize soil and prevent erosion. It also adds a touch of golden color to your garden in the fall.


    This tall prairie grass is ideal for creating natural fences or borders in your garden. Switchgrass is also effective in trapping carbon dioxide, contributing to a more sustainable environment.

    The Crisis in Conservation

    Unfortunately, Wisconsin's native plants are facing an unprecedented crisis. Urban development, pollution, and invasive species threaten these essential building blocks of our environment.

    Habitat Loss

    Real estate development, urban sprawl, and agricultural activities have significantly lost natural habitats. These developments not only eliminate space for native plants but also disrupt animal species that play a role in pollination or seed dispersal. As habitats shrink, native plants find it increasingly challenging to survive, let alone thrive.

    Invasive Species

    Wisconsin is no stranger to invasive species that often outcompete native plants for resources. Plants like garlic mustard and reed canary grass grow aggressively, robbing native plants of essential nutrients, light, and space. Some invasive species can even alter soil chemistry, making it impossible for native plants to grow.

    Overharvesting and Pollution

    While less obvious, factors like overharvesting of certain plant species for ornamental or medicinal purposes and water and soil pollution from agricultural runoff and industrial activities further threaten native plants.

    How to Preserve Native Plants

    Addressing these threats requires individual and collective efforts focusing on conservation, education, and sustainable development.

    Protection and Restoration of Habitats

    Local and state agencies should prioritize protecting natural areas from development. Existing degraded habitats can often be restored by removing invasive species and replanting with native flora.

    Promote Education

    Educating the public on the value of native plants and how to identify and control invasive species can go a long way in curbing the spread of harmful, non-native plants. Workshops, online courses, and community events can serve as effective platforms for this.


    Stricter laws against uncontrolled real estate development and land misuse can protect fragile ecosystems. Penalties should be levied against those who damage natural habitats intentionally or unintentionally.

    Community Gardens and Public Spaces

    Creating native-plant community gardens can be both an educational tool and a conservation initiative. Parks, for example, can contain more native species, educating the public by example.

    Individual Action

    Individual actions have a cumulative effect that should be noticed. By choosing to plant native species in your garden, you're making a small but significant contribution to the larger ecosystem. You can also volunteer with local environmental organizations focused on plant conservation.

    How to Select Native Plants Suited to Wisconsin

    Selecting native plants suited to Wisconsin requires careful consideration of the state's diverse ecosystems and growing conditions. Here's a guide to help you choose the right native plants for your garden or landscaping project:

    1. Identify Your Region: Wisconsin encompasses various climate zones, including the northern, central, and southern parts of the state. Each region has unique growing conditions. Determine which region your garden is located in to narrow down your plant choices.
    2. Research Local Ecosystems or Community Resources: Familiarize yourself with the native plant communities found in your region. Wisconsin has various ecosystems, including prairies, woodlands, wetlands, and lakeshores. Different plants thrive in these environments, so understanding your local ecosystem is crucial. Connect with gardening clubs or community groups in your area. They often share knowledge and resources related to native gardening.
    3. Consult Native Plant Guides or Local Conservation Organizations: Refer to native plant guides specific to Wisconsin. These resources, often provided by local conservation organizations or state agencies, list native plants and their characteristics. They may also offer recommendations for specific regions within the state. Contact local conservation organizations, native plant societies, or horticultural experts for advice and recommendations tailored to your specific location.
    4. Select a Mix of Species: Aim for plant diversity in your garden. Include a variety of species, including wildflowers, grasses, shrubs, and trees. Diverse plantings mimic natural ecosystems and provide a range of benefits for wildlife.
    5. Choose Plants for Different Seasons: Select native plants that bloom and provide interest at various times of the year. This ensures a more visually appealing and ecologically beneficial garden year-round.
    6. Prioritize Native Trees and Shrubs: Native trees and shrubs support local wildlife. Consider incorporating species like oaks, maples, and chokeberries, which provide food and habitat for birds and insects.
    7. Pollinator-Friendly Plants: Include plants that attract and support pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Native wildflowers like coneflowers, milkweeds, and bee balm are excellent choices.
    8. Visit Native Plant Nurseries: Look for local nurseries specializing in native plants. They can provide expert advice on suitable species for your area and may offer native plants well-suited to local conditions.


    To summarize, keeping Wisconsin's native plants is about more than preserving the state's natural beauty. It's about protecting the very heart of our local ecosystems. Remember that every wildflower, tree, and shrub contributes to the delicate balance of our environment.

    We can work together to ensure that Wisconsin's native plants thrive. So, let us accept our role as land stewards and work together to safeguard the natural treasures that make Wisconsin unique.

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